Sunday luncheon was at Le Jules Verne, which is an Alain Ducasse restaurant with 1 Michelin star, and superbly located on the second platform of the Eiffel Tower. You might be able to see the restaurant's windows just below the orange elevator in the first photo. The view was incredible - you can see the Arc de Triomphe highlighted against the shadows in the second photo.
We neglected to take a picture of the first course (terrine de fois gras, fig sauce, toasted brioche) but did record most of the second through sixth:
2- veloute of watercress with one *perfectly* cooked scallop topped with caviar
3- truffled macaroni and cheese (the fanciest mac'n'cheese in the universe)
4- saddle of lamb with veg and a heavenly sauce
5- basil sorbet with preserved lemon (sorry, no photo!)
6- a tray of macarons and other bite-size treats, plus a chocolate mousse-ish thing with a side of praline ice cream and hazelnuts (which were quickly demolished)
After 3 hours of delightful food, served in a leisurely fashion and accompanied by champagne and pinot noir, we decided that no supper would be required that evening.
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