
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Runner #4

Here's a look at #4 in the series. The treadling is "tromp as writ" (or "treadled as drawn in" if you prefer that phrase). The weft is a 20/2 (NeC) mercerized cotton in purple. You can definitely see the pattern in this one. And since the outer band of red warp on each side of the runner is threaded in a straight draw, you can also "read" the treadling by looking at that area of the cloth. In all the members of the series, an examination of that tell-tale outer band gives you a clue about the shape of the treadling.

In this shot, too, you can see the difference in the type of lighting. The area of unwoven warp is lit only by the halogen lamp, while the woven cloth is lit by the fluorescent lamp at the back of the loom. The halogen gives much truer color.


  1. i can see it and i ♥ it. weaving woes are nothing compared to photographer's

  2. Anonymous1:57 AM

    i like it..its wounderful what you are weaving. best wishes wiebke


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