
Saturday, January 10, 2015

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another

So there I was, feeling a bit smug because the hip problem had so politely resolved itself. On Thursday, I went to the monthly meeting of the Central Coast Weavers - the speaker was a guild member who had spent a couple of years living in Guatemala in the late 1970s, who spoke about Mayan textiles and showing lots of photos.

By the end of the meeting, I was feeling really ill. Phoned DH, asking him to recall his symptoms during his heart attack, because that's what I thought was happening. Pain, at least, in the typical places for that condition. He said, "Go immediately to the Emergency Room!" Luckily, the meeting location is only a short distance from the hospital with the best cardiac care unit in the county...

DH met me there, and after 7 hours of tests and debate as to whether it was really a heart attack, blood clots in the lungs, or one of the other hundred conditions that could cause the symptoms, the ER guy said "Your gall bladder is inflamed." I already knew I had gall stones, which were discovered after the burst appendix in 2013, so I guess it shouldn't have been a big surprise.

As of today, I'm back home, minus parts that I apparently don't really need but with a few more dents in my exterior. It's a laparoscopic procedure, with 4 small incisions in the tummy. I am unbelieveably glad to have spent last night in my own bed, instead of a shared room whose other occupant wailed "" all night - poor thing had broken her hip in a fall, was taken to the hospital, had the hip surgically repaired, but hadn't the least idea who or where she was, or why.

For the next few days, I'm not going anywhere very far from my favorite chair, with a mug of tea and a book at hand. There won't be much weaving news for a little while..................


  1. Whoa! Glad to know you are alright if missing some small bits. Not bits you'll actually miss...

    Take care!


  2. Oh my, oh my, I am so glad it was not a heart attack, but very sorry about the ordeal. Take care.

  3. Oh no, Sandra! Take good care. Glad you were able to get seen/treated so quickly.

  4. So glad it wasn't more serious! Enjoy your, plan weaving projects, sleep, and think good healing thoughts.

  5. Oh no! Glad they were able to do the surgery quickly, though, and get you back home. And keyhole surgery is, frankly, amazing, isn't it? Keep that tea topped up and settle in...

  6. Well, shoot, glad it wasn't cardiac, but surgery, nonetheless! Speedy recovery!!!


  7. That was quick work on the hospital's part. I am glad it turned out to be not a heart problem. So keep drinking tea and get through all those books you have been meaning to finish - or start.

  8. whoa! time for some good reading.
    rest and take care.


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