
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Jar Full of Happiness

Late last week, DH gave me a box of wood chips from a chunk of redheart he'd been working on. I put it in a 2-quart jar and covered the chips in alcohol. After just a few days, the liquid is a deep coppery orange. It will make a gorgeous peachy pink on silk (I've dyed with it before, and loved the results).


I'll leave it alone for a few weeks to extract as much color as possible from the chips, then get a hank or two of 60/2 silk into a mordant pot so they're ready to be introduced to their future color.

And it's that time of year again: the peanut cactus is blooming its little heart out in the courtyard, in a cheerful bright orange hue:

There are lots more flowers coming - the fuzzy brown balls are unopened buds.


  1. Nice to get dyestuff from something you wouldn't think would produce it...wood!

    Hope you are feeling better.


  2. pretty color, looks like madder. and the cactus as well. i mean pretty :)


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