The monthly meeting of the Central Coast Weavers guild was this morning, and instead of a speaker and formal program, most of the morning was spent in an extended Show-and-Tell session. Members brought pieces they had won ribbons for at the California Mid State Fair (held each July in Paso Robles) and pieces they had worked on over the summer months.
Before the meeting, I was only able to complete the fringing and wet finishing on three of my scarves, so I brought those, as well as my blue-ribbon Fair entry.
The scarf that has the most iridescence is on the left in the photo below, although oddly the light didn't let that show up. The scarf on the right is the winner in the "it ain't flat" category, hands down! And the blue-violet weft in the middle scarf is still my favorite because it really pops as the boldest of the weft colors.
I'll try to post some beauty shots after scarf #4 (the one with the bright orange weft) is fringed and washed.
The blue ribbon Fair entry is Reflections, which shows the view from the dock at the cabin in Montana. It also won an Honorable Mention in a Paso Robles Art Association exhibit earlier in the year.
beauty.lots of it.