
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Exhibit at the Clark Center

I've just finished hanging my half of a 2-person show at the Clark Center for the Performing Arts in Arroyo Grande, California.  Last winter, I received an email Request For Proposals from the Clark Center, asking local (San Luis Obispo County) artists to send photos of a body of work for consideration. Every two months, two different artists share the display spaces at the Clark Center, which consist of two long bi-level walls in the front entry and another long hallway leading to the auditorium.

My work was accepted as half the November/December, 2015, time-slot, so yesterday I packed up 23 pieces and after some dithering, came up with the following array. At the time I was there, the other artist had not yet shown up to hang his work, so I can't give you a sneak peek of the other half of the exhibit.

The front entry wall:

And the hallway:

If you should happen to pass through the area, the Clark Center is open from noon to 6 weekdays, so it isn't necessary to attend a performance to see the artwork displays. More info available on the Clark Center website.


  1. It looks like a great show!

  2. So you are home now?? What a lot of work you've managed to weave, too. Super job.

  3. Wow, your work is spectacular. Love seeing all those pieces together. Hope you sell some art!

  4. Sheila O'Hara7:22 AM

    Dear Sandra,
    Congratulations on a wonderful exhibition! It's always nice to see so many excellent pieces all hung together in such a professional way. I hope the show is well received.

  5. Wonderful exhibition! I like the way they divided pictures by colors. All colors are really deep and beautiful.


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