
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A New Warp on the Dobby Loom

It's an interleaved threading again, using 60/2 silk warp dyed with the leftovers of the dyes I mixed to paint the shibori silk shawl for Connie Rose. The two colors are Connie's red and plum:

Oddly enough, the blend of the two hues might have been inspired by the Japanese maple I wrote about in my previous post! It's remarkably similar.

The wefts have been dyed, too:

From top, Connie's red (with a fair amount of black added), her bronze, her orange (with some lemon yellow to brighten it), and her plum (with some royal blue added). The leftover mixed dyes are now all used up.

The top 3 yarns are 100/2 silk, and the lower is 80/2. Love that luster!

Gracie, however, is unimpressed. Now that the temperature is dropping below freezing at night, she thinks it's hibernation season. Those eyes are open only about an hour a day - long enough to eat and use the litter box!


  1. pretty colors
    i feel gracie is a smart one:)

  2. Man, do I love those colors! I know they'll weave up better as yarn than they did dispersed on a pre-woven piece of cloth, like the one you dyed for me. Because of the strong saturation. If you'd like the rest of the color recipes, let me know. I can easily scan them in and send PDFs of each page. I made a book of color swatches when I first began dyeing, back in 2000 or thereabouts, using Sun, Black, Magenta, Scarlet, Royal and Turquoise -- two complete sets for three primaries plus black. It's still my color bible even though I don't dye any longer. I look forward to seeing how your yarn weaves up.

  3. Yummy colors!

    I'm impressed with the (small) sizes of your yarns. Lots o' ends and pics per inch.


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