
Monday, May 17, 2010

Aileen's Crown, and Another Maple Leaf

The photo of Aileen, Barbara, and me wearing flower crowns is woven. Here's the top part of the image:

After that, I started working on another image of Japanese red maple leaves:

This is a modified version of the previous red maple piece. It's been cropped and enlarged to make a square shape, rather than a horizontal rectangle. The number of colors was reduced in Photoshop using a different set of constraints, but the yarns are the same. The red is 30/2 silk, and the green a 20/2 cotton/bamboo blend.

Next up is an image of an oak tree against a sunset sky. I've still got to decide the weft colors, and will begin weaving it this afternoon. Photos to follow...


  1. The family photo is wonderful!

  2. Amazing how much like a photo the textile looks! :)



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