
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Preparations for Complex Weavers & Convergence

I received word yesterday that I've cleared the waitlist for Complex Weavers registration. Hooray!

I have been holding off doing anything about travel arrangements until I was confirmed for CW. I wasn't planning to go to Convergence at all unless I cleared the CW waitlist. In any case, I'll just use a day pass to see the Convergence exhibits and the vendor hall, but won't register for any classes or workshops - CW offers more topics of interest to me.

I've now arranged to share a hotel room with a friend, and will drive with her to Albuquerque and then fly home. Her DH will fly to Albuquerque at the end of Convergence, and they'll spend a few days sightseeing before driving home.

Hotel and flight all nailed down. Another Hooray!

However, I've got a lot to get done before then. I'm about halfway through beaming the next jacquard warp. It takes a long time to beam a 30-yard warp! The previous jacquard warps were only 10 yards, and the typical scarf warp on the 24-shaft loom is around 15 yards, so 30 is a stretch. Also, this is the first time I've tried to wind 30-yard sections on the warping wheel. No real problems to speak of, except a few of the "operator error" type!


  1. 30 yards! That ought to keep you busy for a day or two. The longest I've ever done is 15 yards, but I love 15 yard warps. I warp enough looms for workshops, I don't want to do any more than I have to with my own weaving.

    So, what are you taking to CW with you?

  2. great news indeed!i wanted to go for several reasons. but we're waiting for some issues to clear :(. until then all's on hold at this household.


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