
Saturday, July 03, 2010

Progress on Several Fronts

Yesterday was a busy day. Bob Kruger brought back my jacquard modules, and reinstalled them on the loom with DH's help. The loom doesn't look so empty now:

While they worked on the jacquard loom, I finished threading, sleying, and tying on the Fire Series warp, then wove a few shots to make sure there were no crossed threads or other sleying errors. I won't know about threading errors until I start to weave :-)

Today I'll start threading the jacquard loom, with some breaks to weave on the Fire warp.

I find myself wishing for a studio elf to thread while I weave, or weave while I thread. There's a lot to get done before the ACC show in August, especially since I will be playing truant for a week to attend Complex Weavers and Convergence.


  1. I can hardly stand the suspense. Can't wait to hear if this fix is the winning ticket. I do hope so. All good wishes for a speedy threading.

  2. may the speed gods aid you with your threading


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