
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Exhibit Candidates

Today's tasks, after returning home from a quick road trip to Los Angeles for a Designing Weavers meeting last night, were (1) to get the stretcher frames ready for the two pieces I've decided on for the HGA Small Expressions exhibit, (2) to get started on hems and hangers for the winery pieces, and (3) to do some studio cleanup. Now that the jacquard loom is empty except for the threads that will be tied onto and then pulled through once I beam the next warp, it's easier to get under there are wield a duster!

Stretcher frames and hems aren't really exciting image-wise, so here are shots of two more of the pieces that came off the jacquard's cloth storage beam recently - a dahlia, and some daisies:


  1. Deb Mc7:30 PM

    It is so much fun to watch what is coming off the loom! thank you for blogging about it! Deb Mc

  2. the dahlia!the dahlia!

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Love the depth in the daisies. However, all the pieces are wonderful! Janet


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