
Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

The daffodils, instead of a soldier here and a soldier there, are now appearing in platoons and brigades and battalions. Here's a platoon on a sloping bank in front of a low, stuccoed wall:

They're surrounded not by the enemy, but nascent California Poppy plants. We decided to let the poppies just go ahead and volunteer their services, so in May the bank should be carpeted in gold instead of yellow.

In the studio, progress is being made on the warp from hell. I had another nasty shock, after replacing the 4 sections I thought were the only ones with the bad yarn in them, only to find that in fact there were 5 more sections with bad yarn. Double $#!t.

I may have been willing to sacrifice 4 sections that had 1 bad thread in 4, but not 9. So back to the auxilliary-beam-on-a-mailing-tube method. I wound a pseudo-section consisting of 60 ends of good thread, beamed it on a cardboard tube, and as I knotted my way through those 5 sections, each time I found a weak thread, I substituted one off the cardboard tube. It'll be the UGLIEST warping job known to weaverdom, but please, pray for me that it weaves off cooperatively!

In this picture, I'm partway through the 6th module, and things are going much more quickly.

I'm also still plodding through the jacquard pieces that need pressing and hemming and hanging rods. Here's the rose with raindrops:


  1. Oh Yikes! Sounds like you may be in for further challenges. :)

  2. i know it s**ks but just to make feel better think of the people in japan.


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