

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Still kicking

Sandra is awake, talking, and eating in ICU. She says to tell you all she is still kicking.
She should be up for her first walk after lunch.


Anonymous said...

Awesome news

Meg said...

Treadling in no time, then. Well, a few weeks?

Cally said...

Don't overdo it! Make the most of having staff :-)

Sheila said...

Great news! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Unknown said...

Wonderful! She is so courageous--thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery!

Cate Rose said...

So glad to hear this!

Sheila O'Hara said...

SO glad the heart valve replacement went well and that Sandra is still kicking!
Sheila O'Hara

Peg Cherre said...

Missed the earlier posts about the surgery, but sending along lots of positive healing thoughts now. Take it slow, Sandra!