

Monday, April 18, 2016

Huge Sigh of Relief!

Turns out it is indeed possible to weave with only 8 working fingers. Throw a shuttle back and forth, that is; I suspect there arre other aspects of weaving that will be problematic, but won't be sure until I try. Not fast, and certainly no marathon sessions...

I use my thumb, first, and middle fingers to throw/catch the shuttle. The ring and little fingers (the ones that are numb on my left hand) are just along for the ride. Today, I only wove 200 picks - a test run, as it were. Now I'm confident enough to feel as if I can really finish off this warp in time for Complex Weavers Seminars in June.



Meg said...

That's great news, Sandra. Next time 300?

Laura Fry said...

Progress, slow as it may be, is still progress. :)

neki desu said...

inching along, getting there!you go girl

Peg Cherre said...

Celebrate the little successes - sounds like you're doing that. And if you have to shift your attitude, your goals, hey, it was all in your mind anyway. ;-)