

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Back at the Jacquard Loom

I've been meaning to weave some sets of placemats on the jacquard loom. They'll be woven in one large piece, then cut into 4 mats (each slightly different because of the design placement), backed, given bound edges and maybe some quilting to emphasize the design.

The first trial run has begun - I got 200 picks into the design this afternoon. I discovered that twisting fringes on more than one scarf per day is too hard on my hands, even with the aid of the battery-powered Conair gizmo, so I felt justified in escaping to the loom for an hour.

I'm not altogether happy with my color choices; the pink/lavender isn't saturated enough to hold its own against the (allegedly background) green. Oh, well, I overdyed both yarns in an attempt to solve this problem, and I'm not gonna do it again, so this trial run is what it is. I'll be more careful with choices for the second run.


Meg said...

Oh, LOVE LOVE LOVE. Exactly the kind of cloth, I think, I want to weave!! Is it possible to get an extreme close up that shows the interlacement to see the black by any chance, please?

neki desu said...

a hotter pink? a brighter chartreuse?