
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ready to Weave!

The mixed fine wool warp is now threaded, sleyed, and lashed onto the cloth apron. All ready to start weaving...

Ready, that is, if it weren't for a flurry of orders for zip bags (birthday gift for a sister-in-law who is a knitter, and wants a knitting tool bag) and mobile phone pouches (Christmas gift for my sister who is a serious iPhoneographer, and wants her iPhone to be quickly reachable at all times in case a photographic opportunity presents itself).

In addition to the fiber-related distractions, we have a trip to Los Angeles area coming up. My wonderful father-in-law passed away a few weeks ago, and events associated with his passing, plus Thanksgiving at one of DH's brothers' homes, have already necessitated a couple of trips south. On Saturday, the official religious service and a celebration of life will be held in San Pedro, and that's another 3 days away from the studio. However, he was the best in-law anybody could hope for, almost the father I never had, so the time away is not regretted in any way.

Tomorrow I will post my favorite photo of my father-in-law, taken last year by DH when the two of them went on a cruise of coastal Norway. And photos of the gifts I've been working on.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your loss. Especially hard at holiday time.


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