
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Towel #2

The pattern in towel #2 is subtle, but from some angles, it reminds me of columns of knit stitches.

Finally out of the dyepot, the warp chain for the center panel of the 8/2 Tencel scarves is dry. I made small batches of every blue fiber-reactive dye in my collection, and did the initial dye work in the low-water-immersion technique, pouring the colors randomly over the very loosely chained bout.

Even though the chain was loose, there were a few white spots. So I rechained the bout (even more loosely) and overdyed with a pale value of one of the blue dyes. The white areas are now light blue, but the overdye didn't change the darker areas much at all.

You'll see more of this project as it gets to the next stage.


  1. I agree with you - the pattern on the loom is reminiscent of knit cables.

  2. Hi nice reaading your blog


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