Here's a view from the back and one from the front:

The shipping paper is still on the sandpaper beam, and will stay there until I'm ready to thread and sley the reed.
Still to be designed and constructed are some sort of cloth pouches for the keyboard and mouse. They're wireless, and only the mouse is likely to be used frequently; it'll hang from the side frame somehow, with a small clipboard to use as a mousepad, and the keyboard will hang on the wall behind the chair.
We're still waiting for a couple of Jacq3G parts to replace things that don't work, so I'm not ready to thread the loom - replacing some things is best done on an undressed loom!
I finished inserting the section hoops into the sectional beam that came with the Jacq3G, and the beam is now happily residing on the 24-shaft loom. I think it will just stay there - no reason why not.

In any case, we're off tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with family, so next week will have to be soon enough. I hope you all have a happy holiday!
one more reason to give thanks. the loom's already up. happy thanksgiving!
Wow! That is a monster of a loom! I can't wait to see you use it, but I'm glad it's yours and not mine. :p
wow,wow & WoW!
Best of luck with your beautiful new loom....♥
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