Because the warp was such a loose sett (a requirement of the confidential project) an 8-shaft satin, with its possible 7 shades of grey, wasn't remotely a possibility. I could have just let the wefts pack in, but that would mean the light greys would be even lighter, and the dark greys would be light - too much weft in relation to the warp.
So I fiddled with an image that had enough contrast (I hoped) to render nicely in shaded 5-end satins. This warp was only *slightly* sleazy for 5-end satins :-)
Here's the original image:

And the image reduced to 4 shades of grey:

And the weaving, which has a weft of tussah silk, which I thought was a nice lion-ish sort of shade:

It's amazing how much detail can be captured with only 4 shades of grey.
I would have given this to my sister, whose birthday is in August, making her a Leo (and a Leo who avidly collects lions), but there are still too many lifting errors requiring needle weaving. I'll weave her another copy on the next warp, at a more appropriate sett for 8-end satin, giving more detail, and keep this as a sample.
Also, I doubt that I can weave much more on this draft, because the apron knots are getting within 20 inches of the rear-most heddles, and it's time to wind the new warp and start the tying-on process. (Hear that, Neki?)
Happy New Year! Looks like you are enjoying your new loom. Best wishes for taming the errant hooks.
Truly amazing!
That is SO beautiful, Sandra! If I were still weaving, I'd be seriously envious of your new loom. As it is, knowing I would/could never have one is why I moved on to other artistic pursuits. I'm looking forward to all that you produce on it!
yup! i take my hat off to you:)
leo is wonderful.
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