I've taken these photos in my studio in California (US Pacific Standard Time, varying times during the afternoon).
The 24-shaft AVL is empty, but only for the past 24 hours.

Yesterday, I cut off and stay-stitched the last 5 tea towels (or whatever you want to call 'em) from the most recent warp. Before wet finishing, they posed for a quick photo:

Recap: 20/2 unmercerized cotton threaded for blocks of 5-end satin; the warp was enough for 15 towels, each with a different liftplan. The weft was 3 skeins of 30/2 mercerized cotton, each dyed a slightly different shade of blue (5 towels of each hue).
On the jacquard loom, I began the first weaving of the year:

Not legible in the photo above is the new lower border I designed, with the new year on it, and the signature placed so that when the piece is mounted on a canvas stretcher, the sig should be right-way-up on the back side of the stretcher. Fingers crossed, here...

By the end of the day, it looks more like the chrysanthemum it's meant to be:

Happy New Year to one and all! May your looms overflow with colorful yarns in exciting designs!
I love the very nuanced reds in on your loom. Very regal and yet sinister. (Right, I've been looking at too many costume drama photos.)
The jacquard piece is lovely, as they all are. I love the shot of the towels fanned out like that - it really shows off their differences/similarities. It's never boring, is it, as long as we can vary things to suit our needs. :)
Hi, I love those blue towels. And the red-pink-yellow weaving is beautiful.
beautiful towels, and I love the jacquard , the colors are mine!
But I am looking at the stretcher you use on the jacquard loom, is it something that is stuck on the loom? or something you made on it? it looks so handy
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