It's a plaited twill and is similar to several that I've woven before, but modified to reduce the areas of plain weave to the absolute minimum, since 4-end twills don't want to beat in quite to square on this warp. The towel that uses 5-end satin was much closer to square, so in choosing drafts for the remainder of the warp, I'll need to find as many based on satin as I can.
Here's the close-up:

And the draft:

Ich habe eine Frage: Verschwinden die Linien im Gewebe, die durch den Blatteinzug entstanden sind, nach dem Waschen?
Liebe Grüße von Ate
Yes, the marks made by the reed should disappear completely when I take the towels off the loom and wash them. The reed marks are more visible because I sleyed the reed 4,5,4 etc in a 10-dent reed to get 45 ends per inch; if I had used a 15-dent reed, and put 3 ends in each dent, the marks would be less visible. However, my 15-dent reed is being used on the jacquard loom...
p.s. Isn't Google Translate wonderful?
Hi, my english is not so good. I thought, you understnad my question better, if I tell it in german. Thank you for the answere. Ate
That's a stunning pattern. It gives me something to look forward to when I finally move out of an apartment and get a loom with more shafts. :-)
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