

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Connecting Threads at LAX

The exhibit Connecting Threads will be on view in Terminal One at Los Angeles International Airport from August 23, 2012, through February 28, 2013. If you fly in/out of that terminal (the Southwest Airlines terminal), you'll find the exhibit in a very large display case once you pass through Security (if you're outbound) or before you leave Security (if you're inbound). Should be easy to find - it's right across from McDonalds! I'll have one piece (Channel Islands) in the exhibit.

Should you happen to see the exhibit, and should you be able to take a photo of yourself in front of the display case, please email the image to me, and it'll be posted on the Connecting Threads website and blog.


Cate Rose said...

Awesome, Sandra! Fantastic work by wonderful artists, you included, of course. What a great venue.

Rebecca Mezoff said...

Anyone need a tapestry teacher in LA before February? I'd love to see it!