

Monday, November 19, 2012

After the Designing Weavers Sale

It was a very successful event, especially considering that we were using a new venue after at least 5 years (probably longer!) at the previous venue. The previous site was the Pasadena home of a former member of the group, who has since sold the house and moved to Oregon. This necessitated a lengthy search for a similar-sized venue in a not-too-far-away town. We didn't want to lose the clientele we had built up over the years in Pasadena. We were lucky to find the Womens Club of Sierra Madre, a town just north of Pasadena. We hope to use the same site for the sale next year too, so we can build up a clientele in the new community to supplement our original "old faithfuls."

Anyway, here are a few images taken during the sale. I didn't have much time to wander around with a camera, being busy either selling or demonstrating (spinning and knitting) much of the weekend.

Sally Raskoff making a ply-split basket:

And one of her completed baskets, which I bought. It's tiny, about 4 inches across (including fringe) and only one inch deep. Made with silk yarns in a peach-to-brick range of hues that Sally  twisted using a power drill attachment:

 And a few views of various displays included in the sale:

Above, a group of coiled baskets and a few gourds, plus one of my smaller framed jacquards. Next, some felted goods - hats, necklaces, hair ornaments, etc., along with a tapestry by Deborah Shoenberger and a group of bracelets covered in taquete designs by Nicki Bair.

Below, a beautiful display of bead-woven artwork and sculptural pieces by Rebecca Smith and tapestries by Deborah Shoenberger:

Seen as a boutique with an incredibly wide variety of fiber art, it was altogether a successful display. I haven't heard the details of our financial accomplishments yet. I know that almost $1000 of my pieces sold (a lot of the silly ruffle knit scarves, and a lot of dish towels, plus a couple of bigger pieces) and the weavers who design and create garments were mostly expressing satisfaction with the fact that their cars were much less full on the homeward trip than they had been coming to set up the show on Friday.

DH and I have one more craft show this pre-holiday season, the KPFA show in San Francisco the weekend of December 8-9 (more about that show in a later post), so I'll be busy knitting more silly ruffle scarves between now and then. It's a perfect  activity for the TV-watching hours after dinner...can't just sit there and do nothing, right?


Cate Rose said...

Glad it was a GOOD show!

Laura Fry said...

Creative fidgeting can make a lot of product while 'watching' tv! :)

karensspinzen said...

It was a lovely show. I'm only sorry I didn't get to meet you in person. I was told you'd stepped out when I got there. Your work is exquisite, so much better even than the pictures I've been drooling over on your blog!