

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

America's Parks through the Beauty of Art

I've just been advised that one of my jacquard weavings has been accepted into the America's Parks exhibit.

To quote from the press release:

"Joshua Tree by Sandra Rude has been selected for display in AMERICA'S PARKS Through the Beauty of Art, an international competition and exhibition, the purpose of which is to recognize and promote excellence in original artworks depicting any park (national, state, provincial, county, city) in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Selections were made by a professional jury consisting of: M. Stephen Doherty, Editor, PleinAir™ Magazine; Susan T. Fisher, Past President American Society of Botanical Artists and former Director, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Art Institute; and Todd Wilkinson, Managing Editor, Wildlife Art Journal.

AMERICA'S PARKS will premiere at The Ella Carothers Dunnegan Gallery of Art in Bolivar, MO (March 17 - April 14, 2013), and tour to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute, near Chautauqua, New York (May 18 - July 28, 2013), and the Kenosha Public Museum, mid-way between Milwaukee and Chicago (August 17 - October 13, 2013)."

If any of my blog readers are in those areas, and get to see the exhibit, I'd love to hear a report!


Teresa Ruch said...

congrats! good job.

Margreet said...


Anonymous said...


neki desu said...

great news congratulations!

Alice said...

Good news! Lovely piece.