And why did the furnace decide to die? Now?? Luckily, the house is very well insulated so the indoor temperature never dropped much below 60 (F), but that's a bit chilly when you first venture out of a down-comforter-covered bed in the morning.
The cymbidium orchid is happy to be indoors, even though indoors is cold.

The repairman came yesterday and diagnosed a faulty circuit board in the furnace control unit, and should be back today with a replacement. Until then, I'm dressed in layers of fleece and silk long underwear. (I'm not a cold-weather person, by any means!)
The forecast for the New Year holiday is snow all over the Central Coast area. Probably no white Christmas, though.
My wishes for a peaceful and joyous holiday season to all my readers. I may not post much during the Christmas-to-New-Year week, but if something exciting or fiberish occurs, you'll hear from me.
Stay warm, Sandra, and have a lovely holiday! xo
in the meantime we're enjoying spring-time temps. stay warm and keep the soup pot going.
enjoy your time with family and friends.
Snap! My mum's heating went kaput on Friday too... Fortunately, 'twas all swiftly mended because we don't have that lovely California climate up here. I recommend some mulled wine to promote festive warmth and cheer. Have a lovely Christmas and a hoot of a Hogmanay!
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