

Sunday, March 09, 2014

And Our Speaker for the March Meeting is...

Me. Both DH and I are members of the Paso Robles Art Association, and I suspect they want to know something about each new(ish) member, so we've been asked to present the program at this month's and April's meetings - me tomorrow, and DH in April.

Should be a change from their usual presenters, who are typically painters or working in some other traditional Fine Art medium.

Okay, they talk about the favorite brush, or what sort of kiln or glaze they use. I'll talk about looms, from backstrap to industrial, and show the AVL video of me weaving a jacquard piece. I may even demo the process of turning an image into a loom-ready file.

1 comment:

Meg said...

How did it go? What did you end up doing???