

Friday, July 04, 2014

CW Day 4: The Bateman Tour, Part 1

As if there wasn't enough brain overload involved when attending the main part of Complex Weavers Seminars, we had an extra (optional) day at the end during which we visited two locations housing collections of materials by Dr. Bateman, a chemist (I believe) who developed an interest in weaving after he retired. As a scientist, he applied the most incredibly rigorous scientific methods to everything he did. He must have been a fascinating person - I would have loved to have met him.

The first stop was the Henry Art Museum, located on the University of Washington (Go, Huskies!) campus. Their collection is primarily Dr. Bateman's inkle bands with pickup, which were inspired by Peruvian bands. We were allowed to photograph to our hearts' content, but not to touch. Most of the bands are in the 1-inch to 2-inch-wide range, and woven in very fine threads.

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