
Sunday, October 04, 2015

A Sewing Project

I've been working on a cozy, over-sized, drop-shoulder top to wear over a turtleneck, using the mixed yarn yardage last seen here.

The garment still needs some vertical darts front and back, which will take just a few minutes to accomplish.

And yes, that's [part of] a Peter Collingwood macrogauze on the wall behind me; a birthday gift from DH a number of years ago, now proudly decorating the front entry hall.

There's still some of the yardage left, so I might see if I have enough for a sleeveless, button-front vest. That will be a future task, though, as there's no time to work on it now - places to go, things to do, people to see...


  1. the satisfaction of making your fabric and turning into clothes!!
    looks good

  2. Looks good on you! Very satisfying project. Enjoy.


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