

Friday, January 01, 2016

A Day in the Life of Looms, 2016

Here's my studio report for January 1, 2016:

The dobby loom is still on scarf #2 of a 4-piece warp. I haven't had much weaving time lately, but was able to get in about 300 picks this afternoon.

The jacquard loom is still just as I left it after cutting off the portrait of Jerome and his newspaper-reading dog (posted here). I hope to get the warp retied onto the apron some time this weekend, and begin a new jacquard piece.

Stay tuned!


Laura Fry said...

At least your Jacquard has a warp on it. My AVL is nekkid. Soon to be remedied, I hope!

Happy new year.


Meg said...

Happy New Year! I started weaving a day late, on the 2nd, but still a good start for the year. Hope we weave lots and lots this year.

Dianne said...

Sandra, I love reading and seeing the photos on your blog.
Could you tell me does the shuttle race at the base of the beater not hit the clamps as you beat. A friend has gone back to LA for a couple of months and I gave him a pen drawing of these clamps and a mission to get me some.