

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blue-Green Wool Scarves, Post-Finishing

The three scarves woven with the boucle weft are soft, squishy, cuddly, and entirely huggable. Even though I can't tell from the photos what weave structure I used on any individual scarf. Not a clue.

The last scarf on the warp, the one woven with a crepe weave I used on one of the boucle versions, is also soft and lovely to handle. The puzzle is that the cloth, after wet finishing (which for all four, entailed a trip through the "hand-wash" cycle on my washing machine) does not resemble the draft. At all.
I know what file I opened to weave this, but tell me, does it resemble the draft to you?

I can see one of the diagonals, but really, this cloth mystifies me. Usually, I can look at a draft and say where the finished cloth will bunch up, and where it will spread out, based on the float length and direction. It was a mixed warp, and out of every 6 ends, 4 were worsted-spun yarn and 2 woolen-spun. The weft was all woolen-spun. I'm not sure this difference in fiber preparation can account for the result in the finished cloth. 

This is one reason that I love crepe weaves - into every life some mysteries must fall!


Laura Fry said...

Always something more to learn. Always another surprise. :)

neki desu said...

What great textures,