
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Back and Front

The first two pieces on this warp have reached the cloth storage beam. At this point, what you see is the reverse of the cloth, which is always interesting. The two wefts in this weft-backed satin blend on the reverse much more (and much differently) than on the face. Here are the inverse versions of the coleus and the autumn leaves, originally posted here and here:

The image of the archway in the Alhambra is now visible under the front of the loom (where you see the face of the cloth, not the reverse). The lighting down there leaves something to be desired. I'll post another picture once this is cut off the loom and wet finished - I really like this one. You can just make out the roof and tower of the building above the cloth roller:

And in keeping with the season, a weaving based on an image of a grove of beech trees with wildflowers, taken some time in the 1980s in Devon, England. I think we must have hit the wildflower season at its peak on that visit.

I'm still amazed at how much color variation one gets using just 3 yarn colors: black warp and two wefts.

Think Spring!


  1. The Alhambra looks very 'ghostly' on the loom - will be interested to see it after finishing. :)


  2. Look at that purple against the green! I want to crawl into that tapestry and run around barefooted for a while.


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