
Thursday, October 13, 2011

October in Montana

October is much later in the season than we usually visit the cabin. It rained the first few days we were here, but this morning the sun came out. The weather can change from minute to minute here! Right now, it's about 42 F (5.5 C), and if the sky stays clear it will be frosty overnight.

What was rain at lake level was snow up on the mountains above us, although the sun is melting the snow quickly. This view is to the southeast, so I had to wait until 11:00 am for the sun to hit this side of the range - more time for the snow to melt.

DH has been out with his fly fishing gear, but since the rowboat was still full of rainwater he cast his line from the dock, and the only trout that took the fly were too small to keep. Later, we'll go out in the boat and have a better chance at the bigger trout in deep water.

1 comment:

  1. sun on the range! (pun, pun)
    so that's why you've been so quiet lately.


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