
Friday, October 07, 2011

Their Best Feet Forward

With Margreet's permission, here are a couple of photos of the weaving I just completed for her, based on her wedding portrait.

I love feet. They give the portrayed persons a firm grounding, especially in these elegant shoes:

The bride carried a beautiful bouquet, with matching flowers in her hair. The dress was a gorgeous matelasse fabric, which you can barely see in the weave structure of the portrait. I tried to capture more of the fabric detail, but when I increased contrast enough to show it more clearly, the dress looked too dark overall - not right for this occasion.

The groom was impeccably dressed: Pin-stripe trousers, cutaway tail coat, white shirt with crisp collar, white tie, perfectly folded pocket handkerchief, boutonniere, plus pale grey gloves and top hat. Watch out, Fred Astaire!

Truly a handsome couple:

I hope Margreet will enjoy having this in her home as much as I enjoyed weaving it!


  1. Lovely. :)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good to hear you're well and weaving.


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