

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Commission and a Small Weaving

One of the commissions that came about because of the Woven Portraits flyer at ACC was this one. The image is (I'm guessing) the engagement photo of a lovely young couple. The wedding was last Friday, August 20, and I'm commissioned to weave the image as a wedding gift for the newlyweds.

Here's the original, which began as a color image emailed to me; this is the grayscale version indexed to 9 shades of grey, intended to weave as 10-end satin:

And the woven image, in portions:

It was such a good photo (taken by a pro with studio lighting and a studio backdrop) that it was really easy to translate to a weaving.

Next on the loom is a small image intended as an entry in the San Luis Obispo County Open Studios Tour "6x6x6" exhibit. Each entry must be less than 6 inches in any dimension, whatever medium it might be. So I'm planning to enter this red rose, stretched over a 6x6 canvas frame that has at least a 1-inch depth so the image wraps around the sides of the canvas:

Because it only needs to be about 10 inches wide, I just gave it a very wide margin on the sides.

1 comment:

Laura Fry said...

Gorgeous - you can almost smell the rose! :D And I'm sure the happy couple will treasure the woven portrait.
