

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Snip! Snip!

That's the sound of the scissors cutting the warp off the jacquard loom. Here are the weavings, still in a long strip piled in an untidy heap on the ironing board:

According to the blog, on December 31st, I started to weave the parrot - the first piece of this batch. In 9 weeks, I've managed to complete only 6 jacquard pieces. Not much output unless you consider that for 3 weeks of that time I didn't even open the studio door.

If I had to declare favorites, they would be the Monterey cypress at sunset, and the Big Sur image:

Please keep in mind that these are just draped over the ironing board. They haven't been mended or wet-finished or pressed or mounted, so they're not hanging straight (nothing like a real rectangle here!) and they'll look a lot better once they're really finished.


Alice said...

The quality of the water in the Big Sur piece is amazing.

neki desu said...

as a surfer wanna be i have to agree w. alice.