

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Convergence: Gallery Hop Night

Three galleries along Pine Street, just a few blocks from the Convention Center, had artist receptions on Friday evening. One was an exhibit of small-format tapestries entitled Rita's Excellent Adventure, a story poem written by Nicki Bair and illustrated by six members of the Seaside Weavers; one was the Designing Weavers World of Fiber exhibit, and the third was Susan McGehee's wonderful woven metal works.

Here are a couple of images from the McGehee exhibit:

click to enlarge. Each of these pieces is approximately 3 feet wide, and incredibly beautiful. Almost makes me want to do some experiments with wire!

On Saturday morning, I drove to Camarillo and acted as Docent-for-a-Day at the Designing Weavers Timeless Textiles exhibit there, then on home for dinner. Convergence was an inspiring, exhilarating experience, but very tiring. I'm happy to be home.

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