

Saturday, September 08, 2012

More Hellebore

Here's the hellebore weaving at about 800 picks and again at 1200 picks. I'll put the photos in reverse order of weaving, so they appear in the proper order from bottom to top of the image (if that makes sense).

The file is 1800 pixels (picks) tall, so I'm 2/3 of the way there. I'll be leaving on Monday to head east to Complex Weavers Seminars in Washington, DC, so I can't promise I'll finish before then. (Sorry, Susan!)


Laura Fry said...

Have a great time at CW! Looking forward to hearing about it.

Susan said...

Ah, that's okay! Go and have a great time.

The anticipation is all the better for the wait...

:) Susan

DebbieB said...

This looks terrific - such a great translation of the original picture.