

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Conference of Northern California Handweavers 2014

CNCH 2014 is coming up this weekend, April 25 - 27. DH and I will be in the vendor hall throughout the conference. Marketplace hours are 10:00am - 7:00pm Friday, 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday, and 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday. Location: Oakland Convention Center, 550 Tenth Street, Oakland, California.

We will have dobby- and jacquard-woven textiles, lots of beautiful wood textile tools (nostepinnes and niddy-noddys, for example) plus plenty of other wood products for home and kitchen.

Plus, of course, the byproduct of the woodturner's art, sawdust and wood chips for extracting dye. Lots of different woods to choose from, and each purchase includes detailed instructions for use.

Be sure to drop by and say hello!

1 comment:

Rebecca Mezoff said...

Ah, that brings back memories. I used to live in Reno and the fiber guild there is part of CNCH. Great great conference. Have fun!