

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Another Jar Full of Happiness

Today, a woodturning buddy of DH's came over to borrow a chainsaw so he could cut a huge manzanita root ball into turnable chunks. As fate would have it, there was a copious supply of sawdust on the pavement where the men were working. As a dyed-in-the-wool (pun intended) lover of color and also of free stuff) I did not hesitate to gather up the sawdust and put it into a jar with alcohol. This my first time working with manzanita, which is a very hard, very beautiful red-brown wood. It's going to make seriously gorgeous color:

The photo above was taken just a short time after I poured in the alcohol; the clear liquid became colorful immediately. Just to see how it compares with the redheart chips that have been soaking for about a week (posted here), I dipped paintbrushes into the liquid in both jars, and this is the result on watercolor paper:

Color, glorious color! I'm thinking a run of scarves with an interleaved threading... I have plenty of wood-dyed yarns for weft, in lots of different hues...


neki desu said...

what a great substitute for madder!

Sandra Rude said...

Yes! and I don't have to import it from Iran or India!

Anonymous said...

Hi, what kind of alcohol do you add? Thanks, Denice