

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Scouring Silk

It's a task that makes me grateful that my weaving studio has its own kitchen. DH *hates* the smell of simmering silk, and when I used to use the main household kitchen for scouring and dye-work, he'd leave the house whenever I brought a skein of silk out to scour or to dye.

Please note: The photo above is *not* a dyepot. That is the color of the water after scouring about 300 grams of 60/2 and 100/2 NM silk. I am always surprised at the amount of gunk that comes off the yarn. Some of it is spinning oils, and the rest must be just plain old dirt. Yuck!

I want to use up the mixed dyes I put in the studio refrigerator after I painted Connie Rose's loom-controlled shibori silk shawl. I'll pick two of the mixed colors for an interleaved warp of 60/2 silk, and dye weft yarns (the 100/2 silk) with the remaining two mixed colors, then decide what hues I want for the third and fourth scarf on the warp. Stay tuned.

In other news, I'm having lingering nerve pain from the shingles - surprising since it was (according to both doctors I consulted) a very mild case, plus I'd had the vaccine. But to control the electric-shock-like effect of irritated nerve endings, I'm taking an nerve-blocking medication: a light dose in the morning, so I can stay awake all day, and a heavy dose at bedtime. The light dose just takes the edge off the pain; the heavy dose is a real knockout! A good night's sleep is guaranteed. No prediction as to when the pain might stop, but I am supposed to continue the medication until it does.

Fortunately, neither the pain nor the medication interfere with studio work!


neki desu said...

regarding silk methinks all husbands are made equal ;)

Ruth said...

Lyrica? If you take too much during the day, you literally bump into furniture and kitchen counters. You are essentially drunk. A nice dose at bedtime can, indeed, bring a good night's sleep.

I hope your shingles episode slinks back into the hiding place where all herpes viruses hang out in the human body when they're not annoying the dickens out of us.

Sandra Rude said...

Actually, it's Gabapentin (generic for Gralise, Horizant, and Neurontin variations) and is an antiepileptic and anticonvulsant as well as a nerve block. The doctor did say to be careful getting up in the night, as I might be inclined to bump into furniture. So far, so good...