The scarf I entered in the Joy of Weaving exhibit at the Midwest Weavers Conference (pictured
here, and described in several posts around that time) arrived home today, accompanied by an envelope containing the juror's review sheet, a blue ribbon, and a check! The piece was awarded First Place in the "More than 8 Shafts" category, and received 97 points out of a possible 100. The juror added the following comment: "Love your scarf. One of the finest pieces of handwoven fabric I've seen in a long time."

My thanks to Cathie and Diane, the talented women of
Just Our Yarn, for sponsoring this exhibit, and to Tom Knisley, the juror.
The last few yards of the JOY yarn that went into the scarf is being used up in the mixed silk warp I'm currently working on. And DH wonders where we're going to splurge on dinner out...
Congrats!!!!! You done good. :-D
What Fun! And yes, dinner out sounds like a great idea. ;)
Good for you!
Fantastic! That's a scorecard and a comment to treasure - AND an excellent reason to splurge.
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